Published Date
23 January 2025
Agenda Items
Declarations of Interest In Terms of the Ethical Standards In Public Life Etc. (Scotland) Act 2000
Submit a report by Chief Officer (Strategic Communication and Engagement) providing an update on the progress of the Community Board Local Development Programme projects.
Submit report by Chief Officer (Strategic Communication and Engagement) providing an update on key progress linked to supporting the development of the Community Boards model.
Submit report by Chief Officer (Strategic Communication and Engagement) seeking approval to grant awards to a variety of organisations through the Campsies Grant Fund, as detailed in Appendix 2 to the report.
Submit report by Chief Officer (Strategic Communication and Engagement) seeking approval of the new Community Safety Strategy (2025-2030).
Submit report by Chief Officer (Strategic Communication and Engagement) providing a snapshot of the progress of the 9 Local Outcome Improvement Plans for the period from 1 April to 30 September 2024 and detailing the implementation of the Management and Monitoring Framework approach.
Submit report by Chief Officer (Strategic Communication and Engagement) providing an overview of applications received for the Council’s revised Grant Awards Programme for 2025/26 and seeking approval to allocate discretionary funding to Community and Voluntary Sector organisations.
Submit report by Chief Officer (Operations) providing an overview of a range of sports culture and leisure venues and community facilities, comparing quarter 3 of 2024-25 and quarter 3 of 2023-24.
Submit report by Chief Officer (Community Operations) outlining the current support offered by the Active Health programme, the results from the support
provided and planned next steps.
Submit report by Chief Officer (Community Operations) seeking approval to host a half marathon event in Motherwell.
Submit report by Chief Officer (Business and Digital) seeking approval of the North Lanarkshire Partnership Strategic Leadership Board’s annual oversight and outcomes report 2023/24.
Submit report by Chief Officer (Business and Digital) providing an update on the progress of key ‘digital locally’ activities and the planned next steps.
Submit report by the Chief Officer (Assets and Procurement) notifying of the Contracts Awarded since the last meeting of the Committee with a value below the financial threshold requiring approval.
Declarations of Interests
Claire Louise Williams | 2 | Connected to one of the Groups mentioned within the report, seeking approval | Personal | Left the meeting during consideration of the item |
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