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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Adult Care and Social Work Committee
14 Nov 2023 - 14:00 to 16:00
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Declarations of Interests
  • Webcast



Published Date
3 November 2023
Agenda Items
1 Declarations of Interest In Terms of the Ethical Standards In Public Life Etc. (Scotland) Act 2000
Submit report by the Chief Officer (Performance, Planning and Quality Assurance) setting out the partnership's Programme of Work to support the delivery of the priorities within the Strategic Commissioning Plan 2023-2026
Submit report by the Acting Chief Officer (Adult Social Work Services) highlighting the principles, aims and objectives of the national Getting it Right for Everyone (GIRFE) Pathfinder process along with the governance arrangements and Project Plan
Submit report by the Chief Officer (Health and Social Care Partnership) outlining the Lanarkshire Whole system Operation Flow 2 plans and implementation structures
Submit report by the Chief Officer (Chief Social Work Officer - Children, Families, Justice and Integrated Services - Education and Families) seeking approval of the Annual Report of the Chief Social Work Officer for 2022/23
Submit report by the Chief Officer (Performance, Planning and Quality Assurance) providing the Annual Performance Report - Health and Social Care North Lanarkshire 2022/23 
Submit report by the Chief Officer (Performance, Planning and Quality Assurance) providing an update on the performance of key areas of activity within Adult Health and Social Care for the period 1 April to 15 September 2023 
Submit report by the Chief Officer (Planning, Performance and Quality Assurance) providing a summary of the revenue financial performance of the Health and Social Care Partnership (H&SCP) - North Lanarkshire (Adult Social Care and Housing) and the financial performance of the Social Work Capital Programme
Submit report by the Chief Officer (Health and Social Care Partnership) seeking approval for the award of a contract for the purchase of vehicles for Health and Social Care to Suzuki GB Plc
Submit report by the Chief Officer (North Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership) seeking approval to award a contract for Aids for Daily Living
Submit report by the Chief Officer (Assets and Procurement) advising of contracts awarded below Committee approval threshold since the last meeting of the Committee


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending ApologySubstituted By
Gerry Brennan  
Michael McBride Angela Campbell
Robert John McKendrick  
NameReason for AbsenceSubstituted By
Nicky Shevlin  

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


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