“Council agrees that Standing Order 6 be amended, as undernoted: - The notice of the time of, and the arrangements for, the intended meeting, shall be published at the Civic Centre, Motherwell and on the Council’s website and sent to Members by email to their Council email addresses by way of a hyperlink to the meeting papers. If they so choose, Members may request to receive a printed copy of the meeting papers which may be collected from Member Services, Civic Centre, Motherwell. Where a Special Meeting is called by Members, the notice shall be signed by, and record the names of, the Members calling the meeting and the notice shall specify the business proposed to be transacted at the intended meeting.
Council agrees that Standing Order 64(A) be amended to read that "Where a member who has been appointed to a committee is unable to attend a meeting of that body, they shall be permitted to appoint a substitute member to attend in their place. The use of substitute members shall be limited to use only by political groups and shall be further limited to three per political group per meeting. Upon attendance in a role of substitute member, that Member shall so indicate to the meeting prior to the commencement of business that they are in attendance as a substitute Member and further indicate the name of the absent Member for whom they are substituting, and this shall be recorded in the Minute of the meeting. It is not permissible for a substitute Member to assume the Chair."
Council agrees that all Planning, quasi-judicial & regulatory committees and sub-committees are held in person”