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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Housing and Property Services (Property)
26 Sep 2000 - TBC
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Declarations of Interests


  1. pdf 1 - 53 Braehead Road, Cumbernauld - Minute of Waiver (87Kb)
  2. 19-27 Graham Street, Airdrie - Disposal - Private
  3. Auchenkilns, Cumbernauld - Disposal of Development Site - Private
  4. pdf Barr Farm, Kilsyth - Wayleave-Servitude for Sewage (188Kb)
  5. pdf Central Repairs Account (98Kb)
  6. pdf Coatbank Street, Coatbridge - Acquisition (166Kb)
  7. Fern Street, Motherwell - Proposed Sale of Residential Development Land - Private
  8. pdf Former Police Post - Dundyvan Road, Coatbridge - Disposal (176Kb)
  9. pdf Former Police Post, King Street, Coatbridge - Disposal (176Kb)
  10. House Plots 20 and 21 at Dullatur, Cumbernauld - Disposal - Private
  11. pdf Housing and Property Services (Property) Sub-Committee of 26 September 2000 (43Kb)
  12. pdf Ladywell Road, Motherwell - Acquisition (169Kb)
  13. pdf Land at North Orchard Street-James Street, Motherwell (170Kb)
  14. pdf Land at Range Road, Motherwell (378Kb)
  15. Plots C(2) and C(3) Excelsior Park, Wishaw - Sale of Land - Private
  16. pdf Property Capital Programme 2000-2001 (128Kb)
  17. pdf Remit from Comm Serv. Ground to Sth. West of Gartcosh Comm.Cent- Surplus to Req. (232Kb)
  18. pdf Remit from Comm. Serv - Land at Hope Street, Motherwell - Surplus to requirement (280Kb)
  19. pdf Remit from Comm.Serv - Land at 50 - 56 High Street, Newarthill - surplus to req. (178Kb)
  20. pdf Remit from S.W. - Emma Jay Road-Main Street, Bellshill - Lease (70Kb)
  21. Site at Roman Road, Motherwell - Private
  22. pdf Smithstone, Cumbernauld - Tender (218Kb)
  23. Women's Aid - Refuge Accomodation - Private
  24. pdf _Housing and Property Services (Property) Sub-Committee of 26 September 2000 (171Kb)
  25. pdf __Housing and Property Services (Property) Sub-Committee of 26 September 2000 (37Kb)


Attended - Committee Members
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Attended - Other Members
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NameReason for Sending Apology
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NameReason for Absence
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Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


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