10. Revenue Monitoring Report non-Trading - Infrastructure
11. General Debtors Write-off 2017-2018
12. Procurement Strategy 2017-2020
13. Clyde Valley Residual Waste Contract
14. Carriageway Resurfacing-Reconstruction 2017-18
15. Footway and Footpath Resurfacing-Reconstruction 2017-18
16. Floor Coverings Repair and Replacement 2017-19
17. Framework Agreement for the Supply and Distribution of Frozen Foods
18. Framework Agreement for the Supply and Distribution of Fruit and Vegetables (Fresh and Pre-Prepared) - April 2017 to April 2020
19. Supply and Delivery of Plant and Heavy Fleet Vehicles
2. Minute of ALEOs and External Bodies Monitoring Sub-Committee
20. Contracts Awarded Below the Committee Approval Threshold
21a. Bellway Homes - Proposed Acquisition of Houses - Main Street, Chryston
21b. Bellway Homes - Proposed Acquisition of Houses - Inchnock Avenue, Gartcosh
22. Land at Tomfyne Farm near Banton - Proposed Lease
23. Community Centre Main Street, Glenboig
24. Land at Avenuehead Road, Moodiesburn
25. Land at Inchneuk Road, Glenboig Proposed Disposal
26. Woodhall Road-Cambusnethan Street, Wishaw
27. Land Adjacent to 44 Main Street, Chryston
28. Site of the Former New Stevenson Primary School - Transfer to HRA
29. Shottskirk Road, Shotts - Proposed Excambion
3. Food Safety-Occupational Health and Safety Operational Plan 2017-18
30. Surplus to Operational Requirements - Property at 1 Philip Murray Road, Bellshill
31a. Proposed Remits from Education Committee of 15 August 2017 - Redevelopment of Playing Pitch at Park Road, Calderbank
31b. Proposed Remit from Education Committee of 15 August 2017 - Sports Pavilions Surplus to Requirements at Heathery Park, Wishaw, Birkshaw Brae, Wishaw and Calder Park, Motherwell
32a. Remit from Social Work Sub-Committee of 8 August 2017 - Property Surplus to Operational Requirements at Merrystone Support Base, 10 Blairhill Street, Coatbridge
32b. Remit from Social Work Sub-Committee of 8 August 2017 - Property Surplus to Operational Requirements at 122-126 Bank Street, Coatbridge
33. Acquisition of Rose Cottage, Glenboig Road, Glenboig - Private
34. Empty Houses Purchase Scheme - Private
35. Cumbernauld Village Primary School - Proposed Sale - Private
4. Tobacco and Nicotine Vapour Enforcement Strategy and Activity
5. Winter Service Policy and Procedures 2017-18
6. Financial Inclusion Team Activity Report 2016-17
7. Amendment to Core Paths Plan - Core Path 190
8. Capital Monitoring Report - Infrastructure
9. Revenue Monitoring Report (Trading) - Infrastructure
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